Instagram has a notorious reputation for stealing features from smaller, specialized apps and integrating them into its platform. In 2016, Instagram released “Stories,” a clear copycat of Snapchat Stories, albeit an inferior one. The most blatant thievery surfaced amid the Trump Administration’s threat to ban Tiktok from the United States if Bytedance, Ltd didn’t divest …
Read More “Will Instagram Reels Survive If Tiktok Isn’t Banned?”
Note: In Part 1 of our July series, we highlighted the effects of COVID-19 mandates on the pre-opening activities of Frosty Feet Running Company. In Part 2, we’ll look at owner Stacy Fisk’s approach to officially opening her storefront and the precautions taken to reduce the health risks to her customers. Frosty Feet Running …
Read More “Solid Objectives Led Frosty Feet’s Official Store Opening”
Continuing on our June Theme of Website Blogs… Whenever I mention the importance of website blogs for long form content, people ask which platform is the best. I will be upfront, I am most familiar with WordPress, Wix, and Blogger. However, the website platform you ultimately choose is based on the goals for your blog. …
Read More “VIDEO: 3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Blog Platform”
Prior to the pandemic, I had a go-to phrase when describing life’s daily dramas: That is some real telenovela shit. Since the pandemic, I have a new go-to phrase when addressing people causing the telenovela shit to happen: Take it to Twitter. Twitter is the worst example of humanity. Many people are argumentative, rude, trolling, …
Read More “Your Customers’ Tweets Can Tell You Alot About How They See The World.”
April is traditionally the start of road bike season for Fairbanks Cycle Club. As club president, I assist our social media specialist with updating the group ride pages on our website and developing promotional content for our Listserve and Facebook page. I started receiving 2020 ride schedules in mid-March at the start of the pandemic …
Read More “Effective Influencers Have the Right Credentials”
A month into my personal COVID-19 lockdown, I received a call from a former collaborator seeking consultations for her Facebook Live broadcasts. She focused on three specific areas– background, lighting, and equipment. She had already done a Facebook Live broadcast that I checked into briefly and told her that I saw no real issues other …
Read More “Facebook Live Isn’t Supposed to Be Pretty”
#RIP I don’t do funerals. I’m an extremely private person. When someone passes, I become quiet, distant, and somewhat dogmatic. We can’t control death. Nothing more can be said to them now. The best I can do is pray for their loved ones left behind. Until recently, death never affected my use of social media. …
Read More “Has Social Media Changed the Way We Mourn?”
The struggle to connect with our audience might be a problem with the methods WE’RE using. In our latest blog post, we highlight 3 examples that show how effective we can be when we tailor our methods to our audience’s preference and not our own.
Finding the perfect business tools is often a matter of timing. In the latest Pagesculptor Blog, owner Rachael Kvapil reconsiders a popular social media platform she stopped using years ago when her company had a smaller client base.
It’s difficult to promote an event without the details since this guides the media assets selected and the verbiage used in social posts and on promotional materials. Asking for all of that at once often overwhelms those who haven’t fleshed out the details. And so, I’ve learned to use the Facebook Events form as a way to encourage timely decision-making.