Overcoming the Fear of Facebook Live

25 years as a para-professional dancer taught me several things: Know your stuff BEFORE you get on stage; Expect the Director to realize the day of the show he/she wants to CHANGE some aspect of the performance because suddenly they don’t like it; Inevitably a performer gets sick or injured resulting in FURTHER changes where …

Facebook Live Feed: FBX Bike Party

Proof that technology is unpredictable sometimes! We have used Facebook Live with out clients several times this year. Living in Alaska can be a challenge.  Not only is WiFi access sparse compared to places like New York, LA, or even Anchorage, half the time we can’t even get a stable 4G (if we get signal …

Do These Insights Reflect Reality?

Discuss the merit of a campaign with a marketer and it won’t be too long before the jargon hits the conversation stream.  Terms like ‘quantitative‘ and ‘qualitative data‘ are thrown around like scientists analyzing a white board with a couple ‘demographics‘ and ‘A/B testing‘ mentions to clarify that this is business. I am no different …