Names Matter: Setting Up Expectations Without Knowing It

Man Holding New Member Card

Marketing articles often use terms like ‘customer,’ ‘client,’ ‘consumer,’ and ‘patron,’ interchangeably. For the most part it doesn’t matter, but my friend did identify one instance where it does. He was interviewing for a manager position at an athletic club when the General Manager began describing their ‘customers.’ My friend stopped her for clarification. “Are …

Recommended Book of the Week: 3/12/2018

Picture of the Book Get Over Your Damn Self by Romi Neustadt

Get Over Your Damn Self: The No-BS Blueprint to Building A Life-Changing Business by Romi Neustadt My rating: 5 of 5 stars Written for network marketers, but a lot of very useful information for all entrepreneurs. It is well-organized so that one chapter builds into the next. The last chapter is the best, but I …

Recommended Book of the Week: 2/26/18

Picture of the cover Never Spilt the Difference by Chris Voss

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It by Chris Voss My rating: 5 of 5 stars This book has already changed my life! For the first time I feel more grounded in my daily relationships and negotiations. Some of this stuff I have successfully implemented without knowing it, but not …

Do or Do Not. Try Is No Longer Enough

Picture of the LGBT A is for Ally Campaign

A common mistake many companies make in trying to market to the LGBT+ community is the same mistake they make when using memes (see previous posts). The company is an outside group trying to use insider cues to market to an inside group, but often use these cues incorrectly. With the LGBT+ community, it often …

Latest Podcast from Owner Rachael Kvapil

Picture of So Stereotypical Podcast Logo

So Stereotypical–S2E2 In this episode of So Stereotypical, host Rachael Kvapil talks with Laughter and Leadership Specialist Michael Bork of Laughtership, LLC about the power of positive psychology, in addition to looking at the big winners in the 2018 Valentine’s gift giving spree.  The answer may surprise you.  

Dungeons and Dragons for a New Generation

Anyone who was a nerd in the 80s knows about Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), one of the first and certainly defining Role Playing Game (RPG) that led to the creation of many others. D&D is to RPGs like Tolkien is to the fantasy genre, everything pays homage to it whether or not it wants to …

Latest Podcast from Owner Rachael Kvapil

So Stereotypical- S2E1 In this episode of So Stereotypical, Kelsey Enochs of Golden Heart Massage and Pretty Lippy joins host Rachael Kvapil to discuss  marketing two different types of businesses in addition to plans to get out of her “comfort zone” for 2018; plus, a few fun facts about New Year’s Resolutions and an insight into how the production team of …

Can Marketing be Too Predatory?

Authored by Ivan Kvapil, Pagesculptor Studios Strategic Manager Disclaimer: This piece is largely meant to be opinion based in nature and I do draw a lot of my information from a single source for this article. However, the source is a veteran of the industry and while frequently is decried by other members of the …

Mimetic Marketing Pt. 2: Happy Little Accidents

This is a continuation of my previous article about the pitfalls of memes in marketing. If you haven’t read that yet please do as this article will only further build on the ideas of that article. Now that that’s out of the way lets dive into it. Last time I told you not to use …